Naples Children & Education Foundation’s official brand palette contains two signature colors. Every attempt should be made to adhere to this color palette, which should also be considered when selecting complementary colors.
Primary Colors
Pantone 281 C
- CMYK Values: C=100 M=85 Y=5 K=36
- RGB Values: R=0 G=32 B=91
- Hex Value: #00205B
NCEF Yellow
Pantone 124 C
- CMYK Values: C=0 M=30 Y=100 K=0
- RGB Values: R=234 G=170 B=0
- Hex Value: #EAAA00
Secondary Color
NCEF Black
Pantone Black C
- CMYK Values: C=0% M=0% Y=0% K=100%
- RGB Values: R=0 G=0 B=0
- Hex Value: #000000